Capital Kids exists to connect kids to a life-changing and meaningful relationship with God. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and interactive experience no matter what age they are or what grade they are in. Capital Kids is a safe community, where kids will come to love God and others, as they grow spiritually.
Capital Kids is a fun, spiritual growth environment for your children ages birth to 5th grade. Each weekend, students to grow in relationship with each other and Jesus! During our weekend services, students engage participate in play, activities, songs, and Bible lessons. Each class comes with an intentional and thoughtful age-appropriate experience. Our team members are screened, trained, and skilled in caring for your children.
Capital Kids is held during our weekend, in-person church services on Saturdays at 6 p.m. and Sundays at 9:45 and 11:30 a.m.
We consider it a privilege to care to care for your kiddos! At Capital Kids, we have a detailed, three-part onboarding and training process that ensures your child with the best possible care. Team members complete a background check, orientation, and hands on training. We make is our priority to ensuring and revisiting our safety standards. Click here to read more about them.
If you are joining for the first time, we encourage you to arrive fifteen minutes early. Our friendly Check In Team will create a profile for you, help familiarize you with our check-in system, show you to your kiddos’ classes, and answer any questions you may have.
Checking in your students is simple! First, type in your 10-digit cell phone number! Next, you will select the names of your children you want to check in. Then, select the event they are attending. At Capital, we have them labeled by their age or grade so it’s easy to select. After you’ve done that for each child, you will select who will receive a text message in the event we need to contact you during church.
Remember to turn your cell phone on vibrate/silence during the service! Please know that if your child cries, has difficulty acclimating, or experiences separation anxiety, our caring and trained team members will immediately soothe your child. We dedicate ourselves to making sure your child is safe and cared for, so we will not hesitate to reach out to you and keep you informed. If we need your assistance for diapering or taking your student to the restroom, or if we have any unforeseen issues or emergencies, we will contact you immediately.
Our check in process is the one of the many layers of safety we have for your kiddos. After selecting who will receive the text messages, three stickers will be printed: two identical name stickers and a corresponding 3-digit alphanumeric security sticker. One name sticker goes on your child, one name sticker goes to your child’s teacher, and you keep the alphanumeric security sticker. To ensure the safety and security of all children, they will only be released to an adult who presents their corresponding 3-digit alphanumeric sticker. If you lose this sticker, your child’s teacher will contact their class coordinator or the Children’s Pastor to help you by confirming your identity and getting a new 3-digit alphanumeric security sticker printed.
Our weekend experience is made up of multiple parts. Your children will have an interactive experience including, but not limited to: play, structured activity, interactive worship, a Bible story and lesson, and a snack! We know that children function, communicate, learn, and play differently at different ages; your kiddos may learn the same concepts, but their experience in class will look different depending on their age.
For the safety of all children and team members, our facilities are completely nut free.
0 to 6 months: We ask that you bring a ready to serve bottle clearly labeled with your child’s name.
6 to 12 months: We provide teething crackers and ask that you bring a ready to serve bottle/cup clearly labeled with your child’s name.
1 to 3 years: We provide graham crackers and water.
4 years and up: We provide goldfish crackers and water.
We also have an allergen free, applesauce option if your kiddos have any of the top 8 allergens. If your child has any other dietary restrictions or special needs, our team members will lovingly accommodate. We simply ask you to clearly label any snacks you bring for your child with your child’s first and last name.
We set high wellness standards and cleanliness precautions at Capital Kids.
To ensure every child wash or sanitize their hands upon entering the classroom, we invite all families to take their children to use the restroom and wash their hands before coming to Capital Kids. When you arrive to class, we will take their temperature with a touchless thermometer and record it on their check in sticker. If you choose, there will be sanitizer available for your use.
We ask that children with any of the following symptoms not use any of the Capital Kids classrooms.
Runny or goopy nose/eyes as a result from a cold (not a clear, runny nose/eyes from allergies)
Hacking cough
Fever over 100.4* currently or in the last 72 hours
Vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
Taken antibiotics in the last 72 hours
Has tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 10 days
Has been exposed to someone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days
If your child vomits for any reason during class, you will immediately be contacted.